Adult acne: how to get rid of it?

Today, adult acne affects approximately 54% of women. It is mainly women over 25 years old who are affected by adult acne. Often considered unsightly, women want to get rid of it as soon as possible.
So after remedies based on creams and other rather abrasive products, it is possible to have recourse to aesthetic medicine to put an end to these small inconveniences on the face and find a smooth skin without acne.


Acne in adults: how to get rid of it?

Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands at the root of the hair. The comedones that form become the site of a proliferation of bacteria and turn into pustules. Acne occurs mainly on areas rich in sebaceous glands such as the T-zone (forehead, chin, nose).
Thus, acne is considered a disease of the pilosebaceous follicles causing real inflammation. The sebaceous glands are then obstructed by impurities, fatty secretions and other impurities. Pimples form and become infected. The bacteria Propionibacterium Acnes is responsible for the development of acne when it infects the pimples.
There are different types of acne:

Persistent acne: present from adolescence, the acne has not subsided in adulthood;

Late-onset acne: this type of acne appears in adulthood.

Also, acne does not have the same severity depending on the person. Thus, it is possible to distinguish :

Minor acne: only a few comedones appear on the face.

Moderate acne: in addition to comedones, there are a few red pimples with white heads, papules, but also a few red pustules that can spread over the face, but also the shoulders and back.

Severe acne: nodules and cysts appear and can leave scars.

Severe acne: nodules and cysts appear and can leave scars.

Adult acne: what can be done about it?

Adult acne can have a considerable impact on psychological well-being, especially for women. Many women want to get rid of these unsightly lesions and pimples. That's why aesthetic medicine now makes it possible to effectively treat adult acne.

I choose my adult acne solution

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